At present, most teachers do not have sufficient support to help them manage their environments or develop and improve their professional skills. The general expectation is that they will just ‘get on with it’ and learn through trial and error. If teachers are going to succeed in shaping our country’s future leaders, then they need far more support than the system currently provides.
As an organisation, Edufundi is proud to play a role in filling this gap by providing educators with meaningful on-the-job mentoring and support. Our aim is to enable them to perform their roles with confidence and skill, to the benefit of all their learners for years to come.
Knowing what you want to do is a long way from being able to do it … Every other performance profession prepares people by breaking things down into sections. We need to emphasise practising good teaching strategies rather than just thinking about them.
DOUG LEMOV, author of Teach Like a Champion
Edufundi's approach
Our model is based on what is known to be the key to impactful education: supportive learning on every level. For learners to thrive, everyone in the education system must be able to do their jobs well. This means leaders at all levels must have the capacity to improve their own skills, and support the development of others’.
Edufundi’s role is to equip individuals and leadership teams to do this effectively. Through mentorship and coaching, we build participants’ capacity to fulfil their roles in a way that intentionally promotes long-term learning and growth. Our goal is to see a South African education system characterised by a culture of support and a focus on meaningful learning and development at all levels.
Over a three year period our partner schools participate in the three related components. These three components are all based on international best practice coupled with research from South African education specialists. They work together to create a sustainable model for ongoing excellence in teaching and learning.
All the components of the Edufundi Support Programme are accredited by the South African Council for Educators (SACE).
Teach like a Champion
Six senior educators/SMT members (three in the Foundation Phase and three in the Inter/Sen Phase) receive weekly mentorship from two Edufundi mentors. This is aimed at developing masterful practitioners who can share their skills with colleagues. The content for this programme has been adapted from the work of Doug Lemov and his internationally recognised guide to excellent teaching practice.
Lead like a Champion
The School Management Team (SMT) attends six interactive workshops (two per year) and receives follow-up guidance and support from the Edufundi Leadership Coach. The focus of this programme is instructional leadership and creating the enabling conditions required for excellent teaching and learning.
Mentor like a Champion
Educators who have graduated from the TLAC Programme are equipped to become school-based mentors. With the support of the SMT these in-house mentors take over the reins once Edufundi exits the school.