Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning

Edufundi is committed to the collection of robust M&E data. This has proven invaluable when it comes to informing our Programme design and implementation, and assessing the impact of our work.

Edufundi is committed to the collection of robust M&E data. This has proven invaluable when it comes to informing our Programme design and implementation, and assessing the impact of our work.

Our logic model and data collection tools measure our programme outputs and outcomes. We use a detailed M&E data management and reporting plan to guide our M&E processes. Programme staff collect M&E data in the field, which is quality assured by our office team. Qualitative data is also collected to add insight into the progress of each mentee, and add context to quantitative results.

We provide our project schools and donors with ongoing reports in order to share our latest M&E results. Our systems allow all interested parties to have immediate access to the data and information required to track progress and make strategic decisions.

Our current cohort (2022-2024) Reach

Teach Like a champion Impact Highlights 2022

  • Mentee
    Learners have developed a team work spirit.They can sit together, discuss and share their own experiences. As a teacher,I am also able to identify each learner's challenges quickly and intervene in time. Now I know what "SMART" means, in relation to my lesson and planning of a subject.
  • Mentee
    My mentor is an amazing person who came into my life at the right time. She has guided me through all the techniques without being judgemental. Her kind words using her inner voice has demonstrated how one can get 100 percent attention from the learners. TLAC has helped me to be a better teacher!
  • Mentee
    Objective: It helped me to plan accordingly and to make sure that I don't leave any learner behind. It gave me a point of focus during my lessons. I was able to plan with a purpose and not take things and put them all over the place

Lead Like a champion Impact Highlights 2022

  • SMT member
    He is very approachable, and his warmth has made me very relaxed and comfortable during his sessions. My mindset as a Deputy Head has shifted, I have built stronger relationships with the teachers under my care.
    SMT member
  • SMT member
    “We work as a team. We support one another. We cover for each other. We understand how important it is that we stand for each other because we are leaders and the people we are leading are looking at us and up to us... So teamwork is one of our key words everyday, we need that team spirit”
    SMT member
  • SMT member
    We work with each other. We compliment each other. We realise that we are all different but our goal is in achieving curriculum imperatives and working towards achieving the main goal, which is our learners’ learning outcomes, and to grow them holistically so that they can be successful.
    SMT member

Our Donors and Supporters