Latest News

April 9, 2020


In response to the South African government declaring a National State of Disaster on 15 March 2020 and all schools closing on Wednesday 18 March 2020 until further notice, the SACTWU Edufundi project have suspended normal operations for the time being. We will continue to reach out to our community virtually and we are coming up with alternative ideas as to how we can support the most vulnerable at this time. Wishing everyone good health at this time.
March 25, 2020

Lead like a Champion

The single most important component of the entire education system is the dynamic relationship that exists between the teacher, the learners and the curriculum itself. All of the policies, processes, structures and activities across the education system should therefore be structured in such a way as to enable and enhance the processes of teaching and learning in the classroom.
March 6, 2020

Confident, Happy & Enthusiastic Educators

During her short time on the Programme, Mrs N. Dlamini from KwaZulu-Natal has made noteworthy progress, and her enthusiasm is contagious: “I love myself now. I feel as if I am a new teacher; I enjoy teaching more. I need to train and workshop other educators, to make sure I ‘make’ someone who is just like me.”
December 4, 2019

My Journey

My name is Tasneem Jacobs and I am a Foundation Phase teacher currently teaching Grade 3. I started teaching in the year 2018. Being a novice teacher, I was faced with many challenges and obstacles every day. My first year of teaching was the most difficult year of my career.
November 30, 2019

Managing Oversized Classrooms

Siphosethu Primary in Ntuzuma, KZN. It’s 10 o’clock and 109 energetic Grade 5 learners are crammed into one small classroom, chatting noisily as they wait for their teacher. Everything they need for the upcoming lesson is already on their desks. Mrs Dlamini appears in the doorway and immediately the atmosphere changes. “3 … 2 … 1… Stop!”
October 21, 2019

Rise Up Teacher’s Conference 2019

When teachers give so much of themselves every day, it’s wonderful to see events that celebrate and reignite their passion and purpose. The Rise Up Teachers’ Conference held in Durban, KZN, on World Teachers’ Day, was just such an occasion. Educators from near and far – including a number of the Edufundi mentees and mentors – joined together as part of a #CommunityofCourage to learn, share and be inspired.
September 26, 2019

Being Fully Prepared & Having 100% Engagement From All Learners

Teacher effectiveness matters - it’s a science. Children end up in different places in life based on who they have as teachers.​ There are many factors that affect a learner’s behaviour and performance, but one of the most impactful is the teacher’s degree of preparation.
September 26, 2019

Improvement in Learner Behaviour & Classroom Discipline

“In my classroom now my learners are disciplined, they listen, and the marks are increasing year after year.” Great things are possible when mentors are well-equipped and mentees are willing and committed. One of the most significant changes in all Edufundi supported schools is the approach to discipline in the classroom.
September 26, 2019

How Mentoring Empowers South Africa’s Teachers

Why mentoring? Teachers are without doubt the most important resource in any school as they hold the potential to create enormous change in the lives of their learners. Initiatives, programmes and workshops aimed at improving and strengthening teacher effectiveness are crucial investments as they can have a positive impact on the quality of education enjoyed by current and future generations.
Building Supportive & Trusting Relationships
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